Saturday, April 28, 2018

Evening of Enterprise

Amid International Workers Day and the anniversary of Chicago's Haymarket Riots, it is with complete delight and utter irreverence that we bring to you an evening of enterprise.

Treat your hardworking self and revel in anti-establishment bliss with a brewski and piece of work from some of Chicago's most prolific and under represented artists, makers, and producers. You deserve it.

Giraffe Kat
Michelle Richardella
Siobhan Kealy
Temporary Services
True Partners In Craft
Vice Versa Press

Bring a t-shirt along and get it printed in Chicago pride for a small donation, 100% of which will go to Battered Women's Justice Project.

BWJP promotes systemic change within the civil and criminal justice systems to ensure an effective and just response to victims & perpetrators of intimate partner violence and the children exposed to this violence.

The lineage of hardship triggered by the incarceration of domestic violence victims acting in self defense is as appalling as the beating/rape itself. This organization provides support and education in dealing with legal, emotional, and interpersonal ramifications of the violence.