Not that we’re biased, but 3MM is a huge fan of the work of Nate Otto, so we were super stoked to have him submit a video for our first Chicago themed showing. His animated approach to the theme was completely original, true to his unique style and made us all smile. Nate creates in damn near every medium including drawing, painting, video, and music and was awesome enough to talk about how and why he does what he does. To get a feel for what Nate does, check out his website or one of his blogs.
1. What’s you’re favorite color?
Green. I like all shades of green. I like putting different greens next to each other.
2. You create work in drawing, painting, music, and movies…what’s the motivation to create? Why do you do it?
I really can’t help it. I’m not sure if I’m good, or that it matters, but I’m compelled to create stuff. I wrote a novel when I was in high school. I’ve always recorded music. Visual art is the one I’m best at. I can barely write a complete sentence now, and I’m very limited as a musician, but when it comes to the visual stuff I feel like I’m getting stronger every day. I’m not sure what it will lead to, but when I’m really making stuff, that’s when I feel good about life and about myself.
3. How does your approach differ for the different mediums?
It’s pretty much the same thing. It’s just a question of what tool I’m best at using and in which realm I have the most developed taste. I don’t like getting bogged down in the details and the editing, and that’s why I can’t write anymore. I would make a lot of animations if someone else did all the technical shit for me. I can do that stuff but I’d rather be doodling.
4. What was your inspiration for the movie you made for the “Chicago” showing? How did you make it?
That animation style has been percolating in my head for a while. I did some stuff that was a precursor to it. I figured that I could make the drawings that would work for what I was imagining. The animations of Don Hertsfeldt were a big influence on the look. I was exploring the choppy frame thing. I made it three seconds at a time.
5. If you could have dinner with any famous person living or dead, who would it be and why?
JD Salinger, because I’m curious and I think we would get along.