Let's have a look at 2011:
I had the great fortune to work with Black Cloud Gallery in numerous shows through 2011 and look forward working with them again in 2012. They're a super group of people and have really given me a great start at making my artistic ventures a steady stream of income. I'll have a couple of new pieces in the February Art Bazaar to start.
3 Minute Movies is a movie making collective that grew from a video challenge between Chris Batte and myself. Our first showing was only in December and the 2nd is coming up on Feb 6. It's a fun excuse to make some movies, meet new artists and collaborate creatively. Really looking forward to how this develops and spending a lot more time making movies.
It was an unexpected pleasure to lead a couple of screen printing workshops at Rumble Arts Center in 2011. I appreciate the opportunity to volunteer and share something I love. I plan on helping them set up a more function print facility this year and leading a more comprehensive workshops for kids and teens. Encouraging and promoting creativity in young people has really taken importance in my list of things to do.
For 2012, I'll be increasing focus and time investment on those ventures, and there are a few other areas I'd like to pay more attention to:
Drawing and coloring. Along with major projects and pieces, I want to be sure to make time each week for drawing and coloring. Doodling and creating unconsciously.
Yoga and meditation. Always a part of my regular routine, I want to improve and deepen my practice. More celebration of life and fortune.
Loved ones. I spend so much time and energy accomplishing things, I tend to be either super busy or exhausted. This year I want to be more balanced and in touch with friends and family that I love on an intimate level. Fewer texts, more personal conversation.
So happy new year to you all! I'd love to hear your thoughts and aspirations as well, so please feel free to share!